Monday, 16 December 2013

New Year, New Way.

Hello everyone I hope you are all keeping well.

As we move towards 2014 banks will start to tighten corporate lending more as it is expected they have to include sovereign bonds into keeping some assets as a back up for risk associated with these type of bonds.Something they have not done before.

This will inevitably restrict commercial lending once again.

New legislation comes into force in 2014 in the U.K. with respect to crowdfunding and peer to peer.It will benefit this type of fundraising as it brings it under the regulator at last.

We have added a new company that has set up a peer to peer site  along with its other business of lending to residential development up to £1 million.Not in central London however.

Finance directors need to start  looking at new ways of raising finance.Just relying on the banks in the U.K. is going fast.

We have added the new company to our p2p website under property p2p.

Just go to 

All of you enjoy the end of year festivities and we will see you in 2014.

Happy and successful investing.
