Hi everyone I hope you are all well.
Despite all the talk in the papers in the U.K. that banks are helping small businesses with their cash flow it is beginning to be commonly known that banks in the U.K. are pulling overdrafts and reducing loan facilities.
The banks keep saying that they are increasing lending but it is probably certain companies having their loans rolled over at a higher interest rate.
Their is also a lot of talk that interest rates should go up.I think this is just those involved in benefiting from those rates going up that are doing all the pushing.
I am born and bred in the U.K. however I do find things difficult to understand about the average British businessmen.
That is:
a) They sell out of a project before it becomes really successful and they can really benefit from it.A case of grab the cash and go.
b) They are often not forward enough looking in things that are central to surviving and becoming successful.
Take finance.Any Finance Director or businessman worth his salt should be following nonbanklending,which includes peer to peer and crowdfunding amongst other forms of finance.
Some people say that crowdfunding and peer to peer is a small part of finance.It may be at the moment but that is how banks started centuries ago.Relying on the major banks any more is not a viable option for the successful businessman. I hope they take notice earlier than when they get refused finance from the banks.
Happy and successful investing to you all.
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