Tuesday 27 August 2013

U.K. banks tightening lending.

Hello everyone I hope you are all well.

In the U.K. we are told by the large banks that small businesses do not want to borrow.It is not that some want to borrow but that U.K. banks ,if willing to lend,want high interest rates. Their explanation is the risk factor relative to the loan.

We do however know that banks want to shrink their loan portfolio.The large banks will only realise that when they have shrunk considerably someone has filled that gap.

In the U.K. nonbanklending is a new way of raising finance ,something they will take time to get used too.

However within 10 years nonbanklending will become totally mainstream as finance directors will in some way be forced to look for other types of finance as bank finance dries up in front of them.

I do however believe that as long as nonbanklending is strictly monitored by the regulators, which it will in the U.K. be starting April 2014,then 2 results will take place in the finance world.

Firstly finance directors and the borrowing public will have their debt levels more widely distributed.

Secondly it will make the funding and borrowing within finance in the hands of more structured entities which should limit the disasters that take place being handled by only half a dozen major players.

Happy and successful investing to you all.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Raising finance for business in the U.K.

Hi everyone I hope everything is well with you,

raising finance for businesses in the U.K. is now spreading to the crowdfunding websites.

The British government has allocated £55 million to be spread through the crowdfunding websites to lend to sole traders.They have not yet received this but is expected to be funded soon.

Sole traders, such as plumbers carpenters and similar trades ,can apply for amounts up to £20,000.

It will take time for businesses to realise this is the modern way of finance but from my impression it will not take long for them to grasp this idea and will spread amongst them fast.

It will be up to the crowdfunding and peer to peer websites to attract the investors to fill the continuing gap as the banks are still shrinking their capital base.

Happy and successful investing to you all.

   Finding finance for you.  www.nonbanklending.co.uk

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Quiet August raring to go.

Hi everyone hope you are all well.

In the U.K. it is the usual quiet subdued month.Very boring.
No activity at present but activity is raring to go.

It is expected that European banks will start in earnest as we approach September to start reducing their assets to reduce their liabilities.

This will need a massive infill by other types of finance to keep the economy going through the next 3 years,to sustain businesses and their activities.

Nonbanklending can start to fill that gap but finance directors have to grasp the steel and realise banks are shrinking and do not want to lend in the way they did.

The banks will try and cherry pick  lending business but they will soon find out they cannot all have a large share of the same cake.

Nonbanklending which includes peer to peer and crowdfunding amongst the range of finance available will start to become mainstream as the banks retreat.

And by the way property is getting really heated in the U.K.(overpriced) and rents are getting too expensive to afford.

Happy and successful investing to you all.


Sunday 11 August 2013

Nonbanklending ,the next 3 years.

Hi everyone,
as we move through August activity in the U.K. will start to increase.

Raising finance by nonbanklending is still very new to people especially in the finance world.The next 3 years will be critical to the marketing of this this type of finance as it gets accepted world wide.

Within 15 years raising finance will be greatly different to the way most of it is raised today.

Testing the water in this types of finance will be gradual to some finance directors but I am sure that as part of a financial structure that nonbanklending ,by crowdfunding ,peer to peer (also known as peer2peer) will play a major part.

Happy and successful investing to you all.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Raising finance attracting the big boys.

This new way of raising finance is now attracting some of the big boys.

It is reported that Bloomberg (the financial news company) may be backing a company that wishes to raise finance this way to produce cheaper mobile phones for sale.

The reported figure being raised is near to $35 million.

This is a game changer as it is now gaining momentum and credibility to raise finance in this modern way.

Who knows how big this finance raising way will be in 10 years time as it is now beginning to become mainstream.

As I have already said in April 2014 this type of finance in the U.K. comes under the Financial Conduct Authority.This will only improve its stature.

Happy and successful investing to you all.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Modern finance is gaining ground.

Hi everyone,

It was not long ago that crowdfunding and peer to peer was dismissed by the established forms of raising finance as a passing fad.

Not now ,they are beginning to take notice that the world is changing and that both fundraising platforms are developing and adapting as they gain momentum.

As long as both finance raising platforms are strictly controlled and monitored,as from April 2014 those in the U.K. will come under the regulation of the  Financial Conduct Authority,they are a proper way of raising finance.
The difference is you have more investors in the required loan instead of just one if you actually can borrow from the bank.

More has to be done to bring this modern way of raising finance to the Financial Directors of companies and individual traders.

On a closing note £150,000 was raised in just 22 hours to enable an asset management company to be formed on one of the crowdfunding websites.

Happy and successful investing to you all  

Raising finance the modern way.  www.nonbanklending.co.uk

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Crowdfunding and Peer to Peer.

Hi everyone welcome to nonbanklending.

We will start to keep you informed on developments and growth in both the crowdfunding and peer to peer platforms to enable you to be able to raise money for projects,business ideas and other requirements.

These platforms also attract investors .As always in investments if you require advice then obtain it only from financial advisers registered with the Financial Conduct Authority if investing in the U.K.

If investing in the E.U. then investment advisers should be registered with the relevant regulator in that country.

For the time being go to www.nonbanklending.co.uk

Happy and successful investing to you all.