Thursday 8 August 2013

Modern finance is gaining ground.

Hi everyone,

It was not long ago that crowdfunding and peer to peer was dismissed by the established forms of raising finance as a passing fad.

Not now ,they are beginning to take notice that the world is changing and that both fundraising platforms are developing and adapting as they gain momentum.

As long as both finance raising platforms are strictly controlled and monitored,as from April 2014 those in the U.K. will come under the regulation of the  Financial Conduct Authority,they are a proper way of raising finance.
The difference is you have more investors in the required loan instead of just one if you actually can borrow from the bank.

More has to be done to bring this modern way of raising finance to the Financial Directors of companies and individual traders.

On a closing note £150,000 was raised in just 22 hours to enable an asset management company to be formed on one of the crowdfunding websites.

Happy and successful investing to you all  

Raising finance the modern way.

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