Wednesday 14 August 2013

Raising finance for business in the U.K.

Hi everyone I hope everything is well with you,

raising finance for businesses in the U.K. is now spreading to the crowdfunding websites.

The British government has allocated £55 million to be spread through the crowdfunding websites to lend to sole traders.They have not yet received this but is expected to be funded soon.

Sole traders, such as plumbers carpenters and similar trades ,can apply for amounts up to £20,000.

It will take time for businesses to realise this is the modern way of finance but from my impression it will not take long for them to grasp this idea and will spread amongst them fast.

It will be up to the crowdfunding and peer to peer websites to attract the investors to fill the continuing gap as the banks are still shrinking their capital base.

Happy and successful investing to you all.

   Finding finance for you.

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